Genesis Health Consulting
May 21, 20182 min read
Designing population health measures for kids
Measuring population health outcomes is still an early and evolving practice for health systems, payers and researchers. This is...
Dr. Veronica Gunn, MD, MPH, FAAP
May 1, 20181 min read
Facilitating community-led change, Part 1
Health happens in communities. Children who grow up in healthy communities are more likely to have better health and economic outcomes...
Genesis Health Consulting
Apr 14, 20182 min read
Aligning incentives for kids' health
What kind of change could occur if advocates for kids’ health shared similar incentives? Today, partnerships between key stakeholders –...
Dr. Veronica Gunn, MD, MPH, FAAP
Mar 31, 20182 min read
Kids are not small adults
In a world where the overwhelming majority of medical research, medical care, and medical spending is tied to adults, kids are sometimes...
Sara Steines Newstead, MPP
Mar 8, 20183 min read
Risk-adjusting for pediatric populations
Successfully managing the health of pediatric populations requires health systems to develop the ability to risk-adjust populations to...